The vaccine against coronavirus infection “KoviVac” ended in Moscow a day after the delivery of a new batch. About it informs the official website of the metropolitan mayor’s office.
According to the city’s health department, about 12 thousand people received the KoviVac vaccine last Saturday.
“On Friday, the Moscow health department received about 12 thousand doses of the drug“ KoviVac ”. (…) There were more people wishing to be vaccinated with this vaccine, as a result, queues arose near the pavilions. (…) Everyone who took the queue was vaccinated before the end of the day, ”the message says.
The vaccination could be done free of charge and without an appointment in a number of the city pavilions “Healthy Moscow”, at each vaccination point no more than 850 doses of the drug were available.
Now there are about two thousand more people in the queue to receive the drug, they will be contacted when the drug arrives, the department said.
The previous batch of KoviVac was delivered to Moscow vaccination points on June 25, when the vaccine ended in three days.
Vaccination against COVID-19 in the capital started in early December 2020. Now for mass vaccination in Russia, four drugs are used – “Sputnik V” and “Sputnik Light” of the Gamaleya Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia, “EpiVacCorona” of the “Vector” Center of Rospotrebnadzor and “CoviVac” of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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