In Moscow, the peak incidence rates of COVID-19 have been overcome, and stabilization has begun. how informs “Interfax”, said the mayor Sergei Sobyanin in an interview with the TV channel “Russia-1”.
“Thank God, we have overcome the peak values, and now there is some stabilization. You can even say a slight decrease in the incidence rate, ”Sobyanin said.
He noted that the numbers of reducing the incidence “by themselves” say little, since the number of patients with a severe course of COVID-19 is large – about 1.7 thousand per day. They are admitted to the city’s hospitals.
The day before, more than 5.6 thousand cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Moscow, which is 14% less than the day before.
The incidence of coronavirus in Moscow in July began to skyrocket, presumably due to the emergence of a new strain of delta. In this regard, the Moscow authorities have introduced mandatory vaccination for workers in some regions, as well as QR codes for visiting cafes and restaurants.
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