Pregnant women are infected with coronavirus infection three times more often than everyone else, said scientists from the Kemerovo State Medical University and the Chita State Medical Academy, based on the results of the study.
how transfers TASS, scientists have followed the course of the disease in pregnant women living in Siberia and the Far East.
Based on the study data, the incidence of coronavirus among the population of the Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts in 2020 was 1960 cases per 100 thousand people, while the incidence in pregnant women was three times higher than this indicator – 5933 cases per 100 thousand people.
The study also says that 80% of pregnant women with COVID-19 had a mild and asymptomatic course of the disease, while the mortality rate was 505 cases per 100 thousand people.
Also, according to scientists, pregnant women with COVID-19 are three times more likely than uninfected women to have premature births.
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