The Anti-Corruption Foundation has appealed against the decision of the Moscow City Court to recognize it as an “extremist organization” and to ban activities in Russia. About it informs Team 29, whose lawyers represent the interests of the foundation and its organizations in court.
“We have filed a complaint against the decision of the Moscow City Court in the case of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights and Navalny’s Headquarters. Only after its consideration will it become clear whether these organizations will be considered extremist in Russia, ”the lawyers said.
“The decision was made with gross violations of the norms of substantive and procedural law, therefore it is illegal. The court could not indicate with what evidence, except for unsigned information certificates and unilateral acts of fixing the pages of the FBK, the FZPG and Navalny’s Headquarters on the Internet, it concluded that extremist activities were being carried out. The court refused to exclude blank sheets presented by the prosecutor’s office as evidence, which means that it built its decision on blank pages, “Team 29 quotes the words of Maxim Olenichev, head of the association’s practice in civil and administrative cases.
June 9 Moscow City Court admitted FBK, Foundation for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights and Navalny’s headquarters by extremist organizations Now their activities are officially banned, and their members and even just supporters, according to the new law, will not be able to be elected to the legislative bodies of all levels for several years.
Previously, FBK was recognized as an organization performing the role of a foreign agent.
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